

Page history last edited by Lesson Plan Cloud 14 years, 8 months ago

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A new bimonthly event for Bay Area designers to share ideas, learn, and get things done.


Chromatic (formerly The Drawing Room)* combines the spirit and goals of developer-oriented events like hackathons and hackerspaces with the practical structure needed for designers and students of design to truly learn, receive feedback, and improve their design skills by talking with their peers.


We invite you to leave your screen for an afternoon of talks, critiques, workshops, and anything else you can conjure up to share. Chromatic is yours to shape and mold (something we know you do best)!



The second Chromatic has been delayed. Join the Google Group to stay updated!  


Please spread the word!  Link to us at http://bit.ly/chromatic on Twitter or your blog. You can follow us on Twitter, and add your event photos to the Chromatic Flickr group.


The very first Chromatic meetup took place on Saturday, June 6, at 2pm at Hot Studio , our host and sponsor.  More than 40 people attended a total of ten sessions. Thanks to all who attended, presented, donated, and volunteered!



Chromatic was inspired by...


Chromatic is not...

  • A coworking space (though there is plenty of room to do that if you like)
  • A mixer (but, trust us, drinks will happen elsewhere after)
  • A formal design association (if you're looking for one of those, check out the local chapters of IxDA and AIGA)


Co-Founders / Organizers

Timoni Grone: lead web designer at Scribd

Heather Rasley: community manager, net artist, and social media geek

Sasha Volynets: illustration and design student at San Jose State University.


Special Thanks

Shalin Amin, Holly Hagen and Hot Studio for hosting the first-ever Chromatic!

Jeff Lindsay for general wisdom and support



*Why the name change? Because it sounds better (more current, more design-related) and will build a memorable brand. Don't you agree?






Potential Venues


Items We'll Need

Keeping Feedback Useful

Who's Talking About Us


Comments (8)

ayana balriip balagas said

at 10:48 am on Jul 20, 2009

Hello Heather, Timoni, and Sasha. Is the time of the August 15th Chromatic 2pm? Also, I checked the Scribd site but couldn't find an address. Where would I find that? Knowing you are well, and thanking you for your time to answer my questions. ayana

timoni said

at 11:44 am on Jul 20, 2009

Hey Anyana, the Scribd offices at located at 539 Bryant St, Second Floor. Thanks for pointing that out!

ayana balriip balagas said

at 10:18 am on Jul 27, 2009

Thanks, Timoni. Starting at 2pm?

mortgage said

at 12:06 am on May 27, 2010

Hi thanks for the article on this pbworks,in my mind i think your article wonderful
thanks from me

fan0914 said

at 1:22 am on Dec 13, 2010

hey,this is one of the best posts that I’ve ever seen; you may include some more ideas in the same theme. I’m still waiting for some interesting thoughts from your side in your next post.
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