Things We'll Need
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last edited
by Heather 15 years, 7 months ago
- Wifi
- Projectors for critiques
- Chairs
- Desks
- Refreshments
- Sponsorship? (Maybe the Academy of Arts or another studio?)
- Nametags and/or some other way of identifying specialties and interests.
- Critique guidelines (maybe a pamphlet or flier)
- Markers, sharpies, notepads and post-it notes
- Whiteboards and dry erase markers
Things We'll Need
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Comments (6)
Joël Franusic said
at 9:37 am on Apr 25, 2009
Nametags can be made using the Open Source SHDH welcome system code. The printer that our system uses is cheap and I'm willing to pay for half of a printer for The Drawing Room.
shalin@... said
at 10:42 am on Apr 27, 2009
Hot Studio has most of these things on the list (wifi, projector, chairs, desks, markers, sharpies, post it notes). I have a few contacts in the refreshment category let me send out a few emails and see if we can get any interest.
Do you know if we want to limit it to a specific amount of people in the first go around or should we shoot for the stars?
timoni said
at 11:39 am on Apr 27, 2009
Shalin, thanks so much! This is great. I wasn't sure whether we should have a attendee cap this time or not. That's definitely something that needs to be discussed. I think we'll have a lot of potential attendees that are curious, if nothing else. DO we want to limit the event to active participants, or just let it all go and see what happens?
Sasha said
at 11:41 am on Apr 27, 2009
If we are to limit the attendees, how would we decide who gets to come and who doesn't?
sarah said
at 5:14 pm on May 1, 2009
whiteboards, definitely, or some form of large brainstorming space. usually nicer than projectors, imho, if you're just brainstorming.
Heather said
at 11:54 am on May 2, 2009
@Joel: Thanks, Joel! That would be super handy.
@Shalin: We'll be discussing a cap today. If we do that, some care will need to be taken to balance out those who would like to present vs. those who are there to learn and participate by giving feedback. Any new info on caps will be posted to the wiki this weekend!
@Sarah: I agree, whiteboards are a must. Adding it to the list!
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